West Carthage Elementary School is located at 21568 Cole Road Carthage, NY. This school provides education to grades K through 5 in Jefferson County, New York. At West Carthage Elementary School, they are dedicated to developing successful, well-rounded students who contribute positively to their family, community and environment. The caring and supportive staff will provide a challenging curriculum in a safe, child-centered atmosphere conducive to learning.
The facility on Cole Road is bright, cheerful, and accommodates the best learning programs for our children. The school staff provides a welcoming atmosphere for which West Carthage is known. West Carthage Elementary School offers a solid visual and performing arts program to all its students’ k-5. Students receive a program from a highly qualified Fine Arts team that builds on the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts.
Beginning in the 1st grade, students prepare for grade level musicals. These musical are performed in each of our three elementary buildings. In the 4th and 5th grade we offer a solid instrumental program. School programs are highlighted by public performances during the holidays, as well as, in the spring.
West Carthage Elementary School
Carthage Central School District
21568 Cole Road
Carthage, NY 13619
Small Town (Rural: Fringe)
315-493-2400 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-5
Principal: Judy Duppert
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
72 | 75 | 82 | 64 | 86 | 83 |
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West Carthage Elementary School - Carthage, NY