Remsen Junior-Senior High School is located at 9733 Main Street Remsen, NY and provides education for grades 7-12. Remsen Junior-Senior High School agrees with the mission of the district and works with each student to develop and grow into a total individual. The educational program provides a wide range of challenges in various subjects to meet the needs and talents of the diverse population. The staff and teachers strive to create a learning environment that will promote self-esteem, respect for others, and the appreciation of learning to every student. Along with this, the teachers and staff are committed to a high standard of professionalism while creating an educational atmosphere that is open minded, with values of communication and support.
The teachers and parents work hand-in-hand along with other local community officials to focus on making the learning experience one of excellence. Remsen Junior-Senior High School offers many learning programs all designed to encourage the growth and development of each child’s personal interest and abilities. You will notice a diversity of student from different cultures and religions along with the school promoting a solid learning base for all its young learners.
You will find the Remsen Junior-Senior High School community very active working with all children to provide a foundation for students to reach their maximum potential through a comprehensive, exact standards to opportunities to allow children to be independent thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible citizens. There are several educational programs that are being used with the goal of encouraging the growth and development of every student’s personal interests and capabilities. The goal is to provide students all the tools necessary to excel academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally so they can attain success in all they endeavor.
Remsen Junior-Senior High School
Remsen Central School District
9733 Main Street
Remsen, NY 13438
Rural, inside CBSA (Rural: Distant)
315-831-3851 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 7-12
Principal: Aaron Carey
Compare to nearby schools »7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th |
46 | 47 | 56 | 61 | 42 | 61 |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges In New York State | 14 (24%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges In New York State | 34 (58%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions In New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to enroll in the Military | 1 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to pursue employment | 8 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates with disabilities who plan to attend vocational rehabilitation programs. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with a known plan not specified above. | 1 (01%) |
Number of high school graduates whose plans do not fit the above categories or are unknown. | 0 (0%) |
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Remsen Junior-Senior High School - Remsen, NY