Whitney Point Intermediate School is located at 2887 New York Route 11 Whitney Point, NY. This school accepts enrollment for students from grades 3rd through 5th in the Broome county area. This Intermediate School provides positive motivation to its students with the common goal to ensure that each student is accepted as an individual and valued for who they are as individuals. One of they ways the school does this is by honoring one student from every homeroom that has displayed excellence in academic learning and being good citizens. When a child has been chosen to be honored, parents receive a congratulation letter from the principal for the great job the student has done.
At Whitney Point Intermediate School the staff and teachers work very hard to incorporate literacy learning in all areas such as; social studies, science, math, health, physical education, and the arts. They know working together to achieve their vision and goals for the students are the biggest concern. Whitney Point Intermediate believes all children can be successful learners. The teachers apply effective instructional strategies to meet each student’s individual needs.
Whitney Point Intermediate School
Whitney Point Central School District
2887 New York Route 11
Whitney Point, NY 13862
Rural, inside CBSA (Rural: Distant)
607-692-8222 (Phone)
607-692-7223 (Fax)
Serving Grades: 3-5
Principal: Jaysree Whitelaw
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Whitney Point Intermediate School - Whitney Point, NY