Joseph D'aquanni West Road Intermediate School is located at 181 West Road Pleasant Valley, NY. This school is part of the Arlington Central School District and the Board of Education is the official policy-making body for this school. The school attends to the educational needs for grades 3 through 5 and adheres to the belief that all students develop intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially at different paces. This public school is committed to the success of each child in a safe, supportive, and stimulating learning environment.
The staff and teacher are proud of the kind, thoughtful, and caring group of students that make it a joy to be a staff member here at West Road School. This school is recognizing students for their extra efforts this year over the morning announcements and creating a bulletin board in the main lobby of "Random Acts of Kindness". This is part of our W.E. C.A.R.E. / Character Education Program - (West Road Every Child and Adult Respects Everyone) We hope that your child becomes involved in the many activities that will be available this year.
Other great JDWR activities include: the continuation of the "Walking Club" before school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Student Council meetings before school every other Tuesday, Chess Club will be held on Wednesday mornings, Book Clubs meet Monday mornings before school and intra murals will meet Monday and Wednesday mornings.
D'aquanni West Road Intermediate School
Arlington Central School District
181 West Road
Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
845-635-4310 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 3-5
Principal: Heather Ogborn
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D'aquanni West Road Intermediate School - Pleasant Valley, NY