New Windsor School is located at 175 Quassaick Avenue New Windsor, NY and it serves grades K-6 in Orange County. As a community of learners and educators our professional lives are informed by shared values of mutual respect, integrity, and professional courtesy in the rigorous and honest pursuit of academic inquiry, and a commitment to the highest standards of excellence in all we do. Further, we value a spirited dedication to the families we serve.
A celebration of a culturally rich American society, and the gathering to our school community a mixture of diverse thought, language, and sense of good will. Our sense of ethical and democratic responsibility bonds us to one another. All those who come to New Windsor School will experience a sense of belonging to a special community of learners. They will speak with pride of our openness and inspiration in the creation, in the strongest sense, of a membership in a local and global community.
New Windsor School will strive to always be the finest elementary school in the Newburgh Enlarged School District. Moreover, it will aspire to be the school of choice for all students seeking excellence in humanities through literature. They welcome all children as individuals, ensure scholarly challenge, and mentor all in a caring, supportive learning environment. Students will remember New Windsor School as one of their most richly rewarding experiences and the compass that guides their continued development. They will consistently renew our promise to be a rigorous yet caring deliverer of instructional services, to engage in visionary leadership, and to create a plethora of opportunities for personal and professional growth. We aspire to be the most efficient in identifying resources and to be a strategic entity in enhancing the quality of life throughout the New Windsor School community, and beyond.
New Windsor School
Newburgh City School District
175 Quassaick Avenue
New Windsor, NY 12553
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
845-563-3700 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-6, UE
Principal: Roberto Calderin
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Ungraded Elementary |
72 | 73 | 68 | 68 | 69 | 72 | 72 | 20 |
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New Windsor School - New Windsor, NY