Mount Vernon High School students are taught to become productive members of society by creating a climate characterized by high expectations, respect for academic excellence, mutual respect, caring and personal support. Mount Vernon is preparing the students for the challenges they will face in the new millennium. They work to build partnerships among students, parents, educators and the community that, once formed, will shape their lives and minds into our future leaders. Mount Vernon High School students will be prepared to assume their rightful place in the future management of the world.
Mount Vernon High School takes pride in its long and noteworthy history. Among our many distinguished graduates are such luminaries as Earl Tatum, former NBA superstar; Art Carney, Academy Award winning actor; E.B. White, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Charlotte's Web; and Terrie Williams, the publicist for Johnny Cochran and Eddie Murphy. Today’s technologies help address the needs and abilities of individual learners by providing them with a variety of tools for active involvement in their own education. This School makes use of developed age-appropriate integrated learning experiences for the center that are linked with the New York State Learning Standards.
Mount Vernon High School
Mt Vernon City School District
100 California Road
Mount Vernon, NY 10552
Urban Fringe of a Large City (Suburb: Large)
914-665-5302 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 9-12
Principal: Stephen Jackson
Compare to nearby schools »9th | 10th | 11th | 12th |
1004 | 682 | 576 | 458 |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges In New York State | 133 (34%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges Outside of New York State | 44 (11%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges In New York State | 80 (20%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges Outside of New York State | 4 (01%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions In New York State | 24 (06%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to enroll in the Military | 3 (00%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to pursue employment | 14 (00%) |
Number of high school graduates with disabilities who plan to attend vocational rehabilitation programs. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with a known plan not specified above. | 28 (07%) |
Number of high school graduates whose plans do not fit the above categories or are unknown. | 61 (15%) |
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Mount Vernon High School - Mount Vernon, NY