Middletown Twin Towers Middle School is located at 112 Grand Avenue Middletown, NY and it serves grades 6-8 in Orange County. Twin Towers is one of the two middle schools serving the Middletown City School District and is located 60 miles north of New York City. They serve students in grades six, seven, and eighth at the comprehensive middle school with a complete extra-curricular calendar including computer technology; student government; performing arts; photography; music; and intramural sports.
The middle school building is an Art-Deco landmark in Middletown, New York, and boasts a beautiful center courtyard that is filled with flowering trees and gardens throughout most of the year. The Mission is "To prepare children to be creative problem solvers and compassionate lifelong learners. To create a safe environment focused on quality teaching and learning. We will accomplish this by using our expertise to provide students with a broad spectrum of learning opportunities in a nurturing environment."
Locally, residents in the area enjoy beautiful wooded green landscapes along with beautiful lakes and rivers throughout the area. It’s the intent of this school to rally around the educational philosophy to encourage the development of critical thinking, self esteem, and responsible people of tomorrow. In addition, they are committed to having high expectations for students to excel in learning.
Every school in the district remains devoted to supporting each student in academic, social, and moral growth to promote a lifelong commitment to learning and to encourage responsible contributions to society. You can expect high standards of supportive families, conscientious learners, committed staff, and an involved community will maximize potential for student success. Parents will be awed by the level of professionalism established by the teachers, staff, and administrators.
Middletown Twin Towers Middle School
Middletown City School District
112 Grand Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940
Mid-Size City (City: Small)
845-341-5400 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Gordon Dean
Compare to nearby schools »6th | 7th | 8th |
250 | 245 | 280 |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges In New York State | 1 (1%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 4 year colleges Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges In New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend 2 year colleges Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions In New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school students planning to attend Post Secondary institutions Outside of New York State | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to enroll in the Military | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates who plan to pursue employment | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with disabilities who plan to attend vocational rehabilitation programs. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates with a known plan not specified above. | 0 (0%) |
Number of high school graduates whose plans do not fit the above categories or are unknown. | 0 (0%) |
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Middletown Twin Towers Middle School - Middletown, NY