Linden Avenue Middle School is located at 65 West Market Street Red Hook, NY. The staff at Linden Avenue Middle School strives for excellence as we create a positive learning environment for our students. Grades attending this middle school are 6th, 7th, and 8th. It’s the belief that all students will excel academically when they start each day ready to learn and when they feel secure in a school characterized by a caring and compassionate atmosphere.
Linden Avenue Middle School recognizes that the adolescent years are difficult - ones for which the only constant is change. It is the understanding of this fact and a commitment to address the needs of the developing child that characterizes successful middle level programs. As a result, these programs create opportunities for the intellectual and social growth of each of their students with a basic curriculum enriched with opportunities for participation and the development of decision-making skills. These opportunities are plentiful here at Linden Avenue Middle School.
At Linden Avenue Middle School they are committed to the belief that the strongest of these teams has at least one parent acting in concert with each student and his or her teachers. For that reason they encourage an open communication between the home and the school so that together steps necessary can be taken to insure the success of each student.
Linden Avenue Middle School
Red Hook Central School District
65 West Market Street
Red Hook, NY 12571
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Town: Fringe)
845-758-2241 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: Stephen Chaikin » 845-758-2241 ext. 3256
Compare to nearby schools »6th | 7th | 8th |
200 | 191 | 184 |
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Linden Avenue Middle School - Red Hook, NY