K.C. Heffernan Elementary School is located at 2 Learners Lndg Marcellus, NY and provides education for grades K-3 in Onondaga County. The school has a reputation for being invitational, child-centered and intentional with all that we do. The learning experiences that we provide are created to stretch children to their highest potential. In our classrooms you will find children who are active learners while being involved in small group work, independent work as well as direct instruction. Our teachers work closely with and challenge students to take them to the next level in their development
The School sets goals and establishes policy for the school system. All board decisions should follow logically from the board's delineated goals and objectives as stated in the district's Policy Manual. Board members are expected to make decisions on a wide range of problems. Some decisions are strictly routine, while others are somewhat more complex; some are extremely important and some may result from lesser concerns.
K.C. Heffernan Elementary School is home to an increasingly diverse student body. Services are provided to the English Language Learners, children with special educational needs, and students with exceptional talents and gifts. These schools are staffed with psychologists, guidance counselors, nurses, social workers, and a student assistance counselor who work together to ensure that each child learns in the best possible environment.
K.C. Heffernan Elementary School
Marcellus Central School District
2 Learners Lndg
Marcellus, NY 13108
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
315-673-0282 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-3
Principal: Gary Bissaillon
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Half Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
118 | 167 | 148 | 160 |
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K.C. Heffernan Elementary School - Marcellus, NY