Guardino Elementary School is located at 600 High Street Clayton, NY and provides education for grades K through 5. Guardino Elementary School is one of two Elementary Schools in the Thousand Islands Central School District in Jefferson County New York. . Physical Education, Instrumental Music, Choral Music, Art, and Library Studies are taught by professional teachers who want each child to reach their potential for learning.
This Elementary School is a fantastic place for student’s grades k-5 to learn and start their educations. The staff and teachers all know how important learning to read and spell is, especially for these young students.
The staff of teachers and other officials works closely with parents and the entire community to provide the best education possible for students. New arrivals to the area will be pleased to hear that Guardino Elementary School offers an idea learning environment with small class sizes, positive community support, individual attention, and encouragement which help all students and staff members strive for excellence.
Students who graduate from Guardino Elementary School will be proficient in basic math, in reading, and in communication - both verbal and written. They will possess strong thinking and problem-solving skills, an understanding of the relationship between the disciplines they have studied, and an awareness that learning does not cease when they leave school.
Guardino Elementary School
Thousand Islands Central School District
600 High Street
Clayton, NY 13624
Rural, outside CBSA (Rural: Remote)
315-686-5594 (Phone)
Serving Grades: K-5
Principal: Joyce Clark
Compare to nearby schools »Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
76 | 56 | 75 | 59 | 60 | 72 |
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Guardino Elementary School - Clayton, NY