Greenwood Lake Elementary School is located at 80 Waterstone Road Greenwood Lake, NY providing education for grades 1-4 in Orange County. Through an on going curriculum guided by the state board, all district schools encourage excellence and achievement in students, participating in active hands-on learning activities. Additionally, all children are challenged to use their unique higher order thinking abilities and skills. The School believes that education is the result of a cooperative effort of teachers, parents, and community, to develop students who are competent, confident, creative learners, and natural helpers, a group of student leaders and activists whose goal is lifelong cooperation with their community.
The entire staff is committed to continuing staff development training in the area of Language Arts with a focus on providing an excellent literacy program. The learning environment promotes problem solving, assessing our resources, and the use of technology as tools for success.
Greenwood Lake Elementary School works very hard to integrate literacy learning in all learning such as; social studies, science, math, health, physical education, and the arts. They know workings together to achieve their vision and goals for their students are the number one concerns. Students will receive a challenging and common curriculum incorporating the adopted text, based on the state quality core curriculum, curriculum guides, the tested curriculum, individual learning styles, and national standards. Although, the core of instruction must be the written; teacher expertise and teaching style will impact individual classes.
Greenwood Lake Elementary School
Greenwood Lake Union Free School District
80 Waterstone Road
Greenwood Lake, NY 10925
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Large)
845-477-2411 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 1-4
Principal: Admnstrtr-Robert T. Shust
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Greenwood Lake Elementary School - Greenwood Lake, NY