P.S. 89 Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence is located at 106 Appenheimer Street Buffalo, NY. The Mission of the Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence is to develop self-motivated, reflective learners capable of reading on grade level. Dr Lydia T Wright endeavors to ensure that every student will have the confidence, knowledge, thinking skills, character and hope to assume responsibility for her/his life and contribute to the lives of others. It wants to promote champion excellence and innovative learning experiences in partnership with family and community.
Education at this school starts at grade level PK and continues through the 8th in Erie County, of New York State. Dr. Lydia T. Wright was the first African American person to serve on the Buffalo Board of Education (1962-1967). In 1963, Dr. Wright proposed having each academic high school specialize in a particular area of the curriculum and draw pupils from all parts of the city - a foreshadowing of the Magnet School system that eventually desegregated the city's schools.
School Beliefs are that, every individual deserves a structured and safe environment. Differentiated instruction is implemented to ensure the mastery of core subjects. Everyone needs to recognize the diversity and value of the individual. Education is a shared responsibility with students, family and staff. The environment in our school will promote student confidence and self-esteem.
Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence
Buffalo City School District
106 Appenheimer Street
Buffalo, NY 14214
Large City (City: Large)
716-816-4110 (Phone)
716-897-8093 (Fax)
Serving Grades: PK-8, UE
Principal: Mary Jo Conrad
Compare to nearby schools »Pre-K | Kindergarten (Full Day) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | Ungraded Elementary |
65 | 68 | 72 | 81 | 70 | 76 | 76 | 82 | 83 | 77 | 33 |
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Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence - Buffalo, NY