Dana L. Lyon Elementary School is located at 25 Ellas Avenue Bath, NY serving grades 4-5 in Steuben County. The elementary students are offered educational experiences, which encourage optimal student engagement and success. A hands-on science program and integrated Language Arts program provide highly meaningful and creative learning situations. Exceptional special education and remedial (Title One and Academic Intervention services) are available in order to accommodate varying student learning styles and needs. Services are provided in a variety of methods, including push-in, co-teaching and pull-out models.
Numerous extra-curricular and inter scholastic opportunities are offered the elementary students.
The Art Club, basketball, wrestling, baseball lacrosse and soccer programs are just a few examples. Sunrise Educators provide an opportunity for students to review and practice basic skills. The vocal and instrumental music programs present several occasions for the students to show case their special talents throughout the school year. The Dana L. Lyon Elementary School is proud of its strong sense of school spirit and tradition which enhance the supportive learning climate and proactive community involvement; it remains committed to excellence in education and the promotion of life long learning and good citizenship.
Dana L. Lyon Elementary School
Bath Central School District
25 Ellas Avenue
Bath, NY 14810
Small Town (Town: Distant)
607-776-2170 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 4-5
Principal: Susan Graham
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Dana L. Lyon Elementary School - Bath, NY