Chenango Forks Middle School located at One Gordon Drive Binghamton, NY caters to grades 6th, 7th, and 8th. The school endeavors to meet the total developmental and academic needs of its students. At Chenango Forks Middle School, the staff of educators use a team teaching approached that is very organized for each grade level. Over and above the basic studies Forks Middle School has other courses available in Health, Foreign Language, Home & Careers, Art, Computers, Music, Physical Education, and Technology.
Teachers work with all students with a fundamental goal “to build a foundation for the future successful high school student and productive citizen of tomorrow.” Additionally, the New York State Assessments is required for English Language Arts and math for all grade levels, and science and social studies for 8th grade.
Chenango Forks Middle School
Chenango Forks Central School District
One Gordon Drive
Binghamton, NY 13901
Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City (Suburb: Midsize)
607-648-7576 (Phone)
Serving Grades: 6-8
Principal: William Burke
Compare to nearby schools »6th | 7th | 8th |
116 | 168 | 153 |
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Chenango Forks Middle School - Binghamton, NY